Make the Right Decisions Before You Get Married

It’s a week before my brother’s wedding, and his greatest problem yesterday was what type of Tempur bed to purchase.


Apparently, there’s three types of Tempur Beds — hard, soft, and softest.


My husband and I have the standard Tempur bed bought on sale almost three years ago. My husband deems it as one of the greatest life-changing things he received when he got married.

Men are so easy to please: So long as they’re fed, get enough good sleep, and have some quiet time, they’re happy.

When I got married, I made sure we had a nice bed to sleep in and luscious pillows to place our heads in. Consequently, my husband is forever indebted to me in changing his sleeping habits forever.

But before I digress, my main point in making this blog post is that we devote more resources in researching for the right type of bed, the right type of tupperware and the right type of car than in picking the right type of spouse for us.

My brother and his fiance spent long hours every night poring over online reviews to pick the right hostel to stay in their one-month long honeymoon. While the time spent on premarital counseling was only 1-2 hours per week, for 5 weeks.

In the Philippines, only one session of pre-marital counseling is required by law before getting married.

People who are avid readers of my blog know that I wasn’t a big fan of my future sister-in-law. Much tears had been shed and fights had been made because my brother disliked my husband while I disliked his choice of partner. Here’s a post I made on the matter.

I’ve read so many complaints from fellow wives about red flags they spotted from their husbands when they were still dating. Given that they wanted to get married, they ignored these problems and had lived regrettably to tell the tale.

But when all things had been said and done, by God’s grace, I am glad that I had married my husband. All of my brother’s fears were unfounded. But I was very lucky and blessed.

Now as my brother will start his next phase of life, he will have to lie in the bed he picked in.

On the plus side, I am glad he’s making the right decision of his own. Given that it’s your life, only you can decide who you can marry.

And given how relatively smooth their wedding planning was, I am quite optimistic of their marriage. Truth be told, his soon-to-be wife was not as bitchy or as demanding as I thought she would be. She was able to playfully pull in the punches, and seems to be a great fit for my brother.

Nonetheless, it’s my brother’s choice. And marriage is forever. *gulp*

One more week to go before his wedding!  Yehey!

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